The goal of any website is to generate as many views as possible and ultimately high revenues. Since most page views come from search engines, it is important to optimize web pages so that search engines correctly and completely recognize and prominently place them. For this purpose, the Website-Base contains a variety of features that make your website work perfectly with search engines. These features are constantly evolving to ensure that your website consistently receives high traffic.
Automatically Generated Sitemap
The Website-Base automatically creates a sitemap that provides crawlers with important information for indexing the web page. As a result, for example, alternative language versions of a page can be found more easily by search engines and output to the correct target groups. In addition, this ensures for pages that provide a lot of content, that search engines recognize the entire page correctly.
Saving Relevant Meta Information
Page Information
All content pages automatically include important information in the code of the page. These include, for example, the title tag, which search engines use to output the page header in the search results, and the hreflang attribute for pages that are available in multiple languages. The latter offers search engine providers an additional help to recognize different language versions. Other information such as canonical tags, which are used to recognize where content originally came from, are automatically set for content references.
Image Information
Since search engines can not automatically identify image content, but images are not an insignificant part of search engine optimization, some information about the images used must be provided. To make adding this information easier, the Website-Base offers some simple input fields, which can be used to save information like the alternative text of the image in no time at all. This information is then recognized by search engines so that they can link the images to relevant search queries.
Optimized Performance
Since search engines take the performance of a web page into consideration to decide on their ranking, the Website-Base has been equipped with additional features such as the responsive integration of media content, which optimizes the page speed. More detailed information about these optimizations can be found here.
Also Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), which are relevant for searches on mobile devices, are supported by the Website-Base.
To set up redirects, the Website-Base contains a module in which the necessary settings are made by only setting up a few details. The redirects are created so that search engines are signaled the correct form of forwarding. This allows them to differentiate between temporary and permanent redirects, so the search results are adjusted accordingly. Thus, users are directed to the page you are looking for, even if its aweb address has been changed.
In addition, in this module the website's behavior on calling a non-existent page (error 404) can be configured.
Would you like to know more?
All information about the available editions can be found on the webpage for our TYPO3 Website-Base. You have the possibility to get a Website at a Fixed Price or you decide for a Website as a Service package, with which no further costs for hosting or security and function updates will come up to you.