In the module job offers you can see all advertisements at a glance. Here you add new jobs and edit old entries. Assigned positions can be deactivated with one click and reactivated when a vacancy occurs. Filter and search options help you find a specific job ad.

To make job offers visible on the page, you need to add corresponding content elements in the page module. Among the content elements of plugins you will find all necessary tools to place job offers on your website.

When you are in the module Job Offers, you can create job offers at any point in the page tree. If a page does not contain any job records, TYPO3 will point this out and display the path to a page containing job ads.

However, since adding a job record means that it does not appear in the frontend and job ads for the frontend are included as content elements via the page module, it is advisable to place all job ads in one folder or page in the page tree.

It is also useful to create all list data records for job offers on the same page as the job offers themselves. When adding and editing job offers, you will use the created records. The following list elements are available for this: Company, Contact, Department, Experience Level.

Applications received via the website are also list items. You can customize these in the list module, e.g. to fill in details afterwards. Applications submitted in other ways can be created manually.


The module job offers can be filtered and searched. With the button New job offer you can add additional ads. By clicking on the 3 dots next to a job ad, more options open up. For example, they allow you to display information about the job offer without having to go into the editing mode. Here, you can also undo changes.

Edit Job Offers

Tab General

The General tab is the most comprehensive tab of a job offer. To translate a job ad, simply switch to another language at the top of this tab and enter your translations.

If you want to hide/disable a job offer, you can do so in this tab by placing a check mark at the top. Or you can use the controller in the list with all records to enable and disable the offers.

Die Felder Stellenbezeichnung, Job-ID, Einstiegsdatum und alternativer Einstiegszeitpunkt erklären sich von selbst. Legen Sie dann fest, über welchen Weg sich Interessenten (nicht) bewerben sollen. Wenn Sie sowohl Bewerbungen über E-Mail als auch über Post ausblenden, signalisieren Sie Bewerbern sich nur über die Website zu bewerben.

The fields job title, job ID, start date and alternative start date are self-explanatory. Then define the way in which interested parties should (not) apply. If you hide both e-mail and postal applications, you signalize that applicants should only apply via the website.

Department, Experience Level, Company & Contact

The number of available items in these fields depends on how many corresponding list items are already created. Select items by simply clicking on a record in the right-hand field of available items. The record appears immediately in the selected items.

Selected objects can be removed by clicking on an object in the left-hand field (this marks it). With another click on the recycler icon between the fields, the entry appears again among the available objects. If no suitable objects are available, either skip the entry or create a new record using the list module.

If you offer similar jobs, they can be linked to the current ad under related jobs at the very bottom of the tab. The related jobs are displayed in the frontend at the bottom of the job offer.

Tab Qualification & Tasks


This field is intended for general information about the job, its benefits or similar. The description can be seen in job teasers and therefore should not be too long and should be similar in length for all job ads. The description is also used as meta description for search engines.


Use this field to describe the job responsibilities for the open position in an appealing manner.


Describe here what qualifications you expect from applicants for the offered position.


In this tab, information that is particularly relevant for search engines is added. Here, too, most of the fields explain themselves.

Place a checkmark in the box for teleworking if that is possible or in the box for office working if that is possible.

Then select the employment type or types of employment: Full time, Part time, Contractor, Temporary, Intern, Volunteer, Per diem and Other.

Select the date the job offer was posted and the application deadline.

At the end you enter the salary information, which is only used if the currency (e.g. EUR) and basic salary are set.

You enter the currency under Currency code and the basic salary under Minimal/Base salary. The following options are available for the Salary period: hour, day, week, month and year.

Tab Access

Specify here from when to when the job ad should remain visible. You can specify only a start date or an stop date as well as no date at this point, whereby the offer remains active until it is manually deactivated or deleted.

Tab Language

This tab shows on the one hand an overview in which languages the job offer exists or into which languages it was translated.

On the other hand, you can decide here whether the job ad should not be displayed in a certain language at all or only if a translation is available.

More about the TYPO3 Jobs Extension

The module for job ads is based on the TYPO3 extension sg_jobs. In addition to the backend module, the extension also includes several content elements that can be used to create teasers for job offers. You can find a documentation for this in the section on plugin content elements.

Would you like to know more?

All information about the available editions can be found on the webpage for our TYPO3 Website-Base. You have the possibility to get a Website at a Fixed Price or you decide for a Website as a Service package, with which no further costs for hosting or security and function updates will come up to you.